Cwmbrân and District
Amateur Radio Society:
Incorporating: Torfaen, Pontypool, Abergavenny,
Eastern & Western Valleys
Club Licenses MC0YAD MW0YAD GB3YA Repeater and Echolink held by Ken Smith MW0YAC . Ken 07411 595 103
Cwmbran and District Amateur Radio Society Constitution (CADARS)
Constitution was amended at the proper AGM 2023
The name of the society shall be the Cwmbran and District Amateur Radio Society
The objects of the society are to advance the status of amateur radio. To further the interests of members in all aspects of amateur radio and directly associated activities. To provide members with necessary training in amateur radio and their first licence. (Foundation Licence)
Membership shall be open, subject to the discretion of the committee, to all persons interested in the objects and
interests of the society.
Full Members.
Full members must be 18 years of age or over and will be entitled to full voting rights after one year.
Members of less than 18 months will not be entitled to stand for committee.
members applying for a committee post must have 85% attendance (Not counting holidays and / or sickness).
Honorary life members.
Honorary life membership may be granted to any person, who in the opinion of the committee has rendered outstanding service to the society.
A life member will have full voting rights and will be free from subscription.
Honorary Members.
The period of honorary membership shall be at the committees discretion, and will be free from subscription.​
Full voting rights will be accorded to the honorary members.
Members may invite guests to meetings. No guest may attend more than two meetings in six months.
Every member must hold a copy of the constitution and sign a document to say that they agree with the constitution.
All members shall abide by the constitution of the society and the society rules .
The committee shall have the power to expel any member who's conduct, in the opinion of at least three quarters of the full committee , renders that person unfit to be a member of the society.
General Meetings.
There shall be two classes of general meetings: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) and EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (EGM).
The AGM will normally be held on the first club meeting in September.
Notice in writing by mail or email of such AGM, accompanied by the annual statement of account and the agenda for the meeting shall be sent to all members not less than twenty one days (21) before the date of the meeting.
The agenda for the AGM shall consist of the following:
Apologies for absence
Minutes of the previous AGM Chairman's report
Secretary's report
Treasurer's report
Election of new committee
Election of Auditors other business.
Members of less than eighteen months standing will not be entitled to stand for committee.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
An extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called for any specific purpose by the committee or fifty percent of the membership in attendance.
Notice of such meeting shall be given to all members not less than twenty one days before the date thereof.
Members must not give his /her vote to any other member for proxy use due to misuse in previous meetings. Proxy votes will not be accepted.
To vote you MUST be in attendance.
Violence, intimidation and bullying will lead to instant dismissal from the society and may be subject to prosecution.
Equipment Belonging to the society.
All equipment belonging to or on the society premises must comply with current safety regulations (Pat Tested) or must be labelled or separated in such a way that power is not applied.
Initial supervision from a competent person is required before any equipment is switched on.
No society equipment may be repaired or modified without consent of two committee members and those members must not allow any safety aspects to be infringed.
A competent person must oversee any such work.
Every member is responsible for care of equipment whether on the society premises or on loan to them.
Loaning of club equipment.
After a discussion by members it was decided that club equipment would only be loaned to members after they have been a paid up member with the club for at least six months standing.
Any damage caused to loan equipment will be paid for by the loanee (see below) **
A strict loan time of one month will be enforced and equipment must be signed out and back in the book provided.
This must be countersigned by the officer in charge at the time.
Small items that are easily transportable must be returned weekly and if still required be signed out again.
A maximum of one month per loan.
Members using this facility are responsible for the care and custody of the equipment they loan. **
Any item on loan must be itemised in the loan book which is on permanent display at the club.
All items on loan will be cleared by the relevant officer or a committee member and must normally be returned after on week or shortly thereafter.
Equipment residing at another site for the purpose of contest or demonstration must be listed in the loan book and periodically validated by the committee.
committee post
No member shall be considered for a committee post without being a club member for at least eighteen months
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